CD V22 Behavior Management in ECE

Course Description:
This course introduces early childhood guidance and discipline through examination of theories, research, and practical application. It addresses difficult child behaviors which are encountered by teachers and parents, and examines techniques to cope with and solve these behavior difficulties. Emphasis is on communicating effectively with young children, guiding children of varying ages, promoting self-regulation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Recommended Prep: CD V02 or CD V03. Transfer credit: CSU.
Meets General Ed Areas:
Course Corequisites:
Recommended Prep:
CD V02 or CD V03.

Section Information as of 21-DEC-2024 09:12:53 AM

  • Title: CD V22 Behavior Management in ECE
  • CRN: 32013
  • Instructor: Hernandez, Taylor
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Zero Textbook Cost Program Participates in Zero Textbook Cost Program
  • Ventura College Map
  • Delivery Mode: This is a fully online class without pre-scheduled meetings.
  • Course Materials: Ventura College Bookstore
Meeting Time and Location
4.50 HRS/WK ONLINE Ventura Internet Classes 02/10/25 05/09/25
Seating Availability
Capacity Taken Available
40 24 16
Waitlist Availability
Capacity Taken Available
2 0 2
Critical Dates for this Course
Term: Spring 2025
Last day to add class: 26-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a refund: 20-FEB-2025
Last day to drop without a "W": 26-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a "W": 21-APR-2025
Census Date: 27-FEB-2025