CNIT R121 Cisco CCNA Computer Networking II

Course Description:
This course is taken after students have acquired foundation-level computer networking knowledge from CNIT R120 (Cisco CCNA Networking I). The following topics are covered in this course: Static routing, dynamic routing protocols (RIPv2/EIGRP/OSPF), network address translation (NAT) and port address translation (PAT), Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), Access-Control Lists (ACLs), and DHCP. These topics are covered from the perspective of supporting networks using IPv4 or IPv6 addressing. Computer network security is emphasized in this course including port security, authentication, encryption, and analyzing protocol traffic. The curriculum is provided by the Cisco Networking Academy at no additional charge to students. Field trips may be required. Prerequisites: CNIT R120. Transfer credit: CSU. Formerly: ENGT R121. C-ID: ITIS 151
Meets General Ed Areas:
Course Corequisites:
CNIT R120.
Field trips
may be required.

Section Information as of 22-DEC-2024 10:12:34 AM

  • Title: CNIT R121 Cisco CCNA Computer Networking II
  • CRN: 32987
  • Instructor: Lynch, Alex
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Oxnard College Map
  • Delivery Mode: This is a fully online class using Zoom or other scheduled meeting times. Other non-scheduled online instruction may be required.
  • Course Materials: Oxnard College Bookstore
Meeting Time and Location
T 05:30pm - 07:20pm Oxnard Zoom Live Meeting ZOOM 01/13/25 05/23/25
4.00 HRS/WK ONLINE Oxnard Online Class 01/13/25 05/23/25
Seating Availability
Capacity Taken Available
40 39 1
Waitlist Availability
Capacity Taken Available
5 0 5
Critical Dates for this Course
Term: Spring 2025
Last day to add class: 02-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a refund: 24-JAN-2025
Last day to drop without a "W": 02-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a "W": 25-APR-2025
Census Date: 03-FEB-2025