ECON R202 Introduction to the Principles of Macroeconomics

Course Description:
This course introduces the student to the functioning of the national economy in a global environment, its economic institutions, and to the issues of economic policy related to levels of employment, prices, economic growth, national income accounting and international trade and exchange rates. It examines alternate economic systems, the interplay between the government and the private sector, and the determination of public policy. Field trips may be required. Prerequisites: Course taught at the level of intermediate algebra or placement as determined by the college's multiple measures assessment process. Formerly: ECON R101. Transfer credit: CSU;UC.
Meets General Ed Areas:
CSU Area D,VCCCD GE Area B2,IGETC Area 4
Course Corequisites:
Course taught at the level of intermediate algebra or placement as determined by the college's multiple measures assessment process.
Field trips
may be required.

Section Information as of 22-DEC-2024 01:12:25 PM

  • Title: ECON R202 Introduction to the Principles of Macroeconomics
  • CRN: 30535
  • Instructor: Edwards, Ishita
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Oxnard College Map
  • Delivery Mode: This is a fully online class without pre-scheduled meetings.
  • Course Materials: Oxnard College Bookstore
Meeting Time and Location
4.50 HRS/WK ONLINE Oxnard Online Class 02/24/25 05/23/25
Seating Availability
Capacity Taken Available
40 38 2
Waitlist Availability
Capacity Taken Available
5 0 5
Critical Dates for this Course
Term: Spring 2025
Last day to add class: 10-MAR-2025
Last day to drop with a refund: 03-MAR-2025
Last day to drop without a "W": 10-MAR-2025
Last day to drop with a "W": 05-MAY-2025
Census Date: 11-MAR-2025