JOUR M16 Social Media

Course Description:
Explores the possibilities and limitations of social media, emerging social media careers, and tools and techniques to create effective social media communication. Provides hands-on experience with several forms of social media technology while learning how to effectively communicate and disseminate information to the masses and niche media groups. Provides an understanding of how to use social media professionally and have a framework for evaluating new tools and platforms for a career in the multiple fields of digital media and public relations. Transfer credit: CSU
Meets General Ed Areas:
Course Corequisites:

Section Information as of 16-DEC-2024 06:12:13 PM

  • Title: JOUR M16 Social Media
  • CRN: 30371
  • Instructor: Castle, Jen
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Zero Textbook Cost Program Participates in Zero Textbook Cost Program
  • Moorpark College Map
  • Delivery Mode: This is a fully online class without pre-scheduled meetings.
  • Course Materials: Moorpark College Bookstore
Meeting Time and Location
4.25 HRS/WK ONLINE Moorpark Online/Internet 02/18/25 05/16/25
Seating Availability
Capacity Taken Available
25 11 14
Waitlist Availability
Capacity Taken Available
5 0 5
Critical Dates for this Course
Term: Spring 2025
Last day to add class: 03-MAR-2025
Last day to drop with a refund: 25-FEB-2025
Last day to drop without a "W": 03-MAR-2025
Last day to drop with a "W": 28-APR-2025
Census Date: 04-MAR-2025