MUS V20 Introduction to Music Business

Course Description:
This course introduces the study of the music industry. It emphasizes and examines the various areas of the music business, the functions of each area, and the relationships between areas. The course includes the following topics: music publishing, copyright and intellectual property, music licensing, unions and guilds, performance rights organizations, personal and business financial management, artists and management, and the recording industry. Transfer credit: CSU.
Meets General Ed Areas:
Course Corequisites:

Section Information as of 14-FEB-2025 08:02:18 PM

  • Title: MUS V20 Introduction to Music Business
  • CRN: 32891
  • Instructor: Evans, Stuart
  • Section Corequisites: NONE
  • Ventura College Map
  • Delivery Mode: This is a fully online class without pre-scheduled meetings.
  • Course Materials: Ventura College Bookstore
Meeting Time and Location
4.50 HRS/WK ONLINE Ventura Internet Classes 02/10/25 05/09/25
Seating Availability
Capacity Taken Available
40 8 32
Waitlist Availability
Capacity Taken Available
0 0 0
Critical Dates for this Course
Term: Spring 2025
Last day to add class: 26-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a refund: 20-FEB-2025
Last day to drop without a "W": 26-FEB-2025
Last day to drop with a "W": 21-APR-2025
Census Date: 27-FEB-2025